Thursday, April 24, 2008

Volunteers Increase McCain Online Presence

While the McCain online presence has lagged behind the Democrats, there has been a recent increase in supporter run pages. A key element of connecting and promoting the average McCain blogger or site owner has been the McCain Victory 08 Blog Roll. This lists many of the active pro-McCain sites on the web. Some of these sites are strictly dedicated to supporting Senator McCain for President, while others focus on other topics yet also are signed on as McCain supporters. For example this post was originally published at Broad Side of the Barn, a site with a broad focus yet often used to host McCain related pages like the McCain Traffic page. An affiliate of that site is Purple People Vote, a site for Independents and Moderates that is focused on the presidential race. Yet recently there has been the addition of sites like McCain Google Groups, which focuses on state based volunteering and resouces. A couple new and promising social network sites have emerged, McCain Now and John McCain 2008. These site include a variety of features such as individual blogs, and topic discussions. They add a new wrinkle to McCain SocNets; though MySpace and Facebook still have active McCain groups too. A couple of the major McCain contributor based blogs include Blogs 4 McCain and Blogs for McCain Victory. There is always a need to increase the reach of the McCain online presence. For those who would like to become bloggers, or would like blogging tips there is McCain Blogger Resources. It includes a simple how to article for McCain supporters to set up there own blog. As more sites go online an join the growing McCain blogger/online volunteer community the message and reach of the McCain campaign is given a better opportunity to grow. Bloggers, site owners, network managers all welcome newcomers and hope you will consider volunteering online and off.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Support John McCain Online

Help The McCain Effort Online!

John McCain 2008
McCain News
McCain Google Groups

John McCain
McCain Google Groups
McCain For President Group (HUGE)
John McCain Fan
John McCain Facebook Challenge
Veterans For McCain
McCain Victory 08
McCain Microspace
McCain Now
John McCain Quotes
Georgia For McCain
Ohio For McCain
Washington For McCain
New Hampshire For McCain
Missouri For McCain
Connecticut For McCain
Kansas For McCain
Minnesota For McCain
California For McCain
North Carolina For McCain
Indiana For McCain
Florida For McCain
Pennsylvania For McCain

John McCain
McCain Google Groups
The Mad Irish Man
McCain My Space Donate Page
John McCain's My Pace Page
John McCain My Space II
McCain Google Groups My Space
John McCain My Space News
TJ To Vote McCain
NH For John McCain
McCain Educate
John McCain For President 2008
Blogs For John McCain
AZ For John McCain
SC For John McCain
Hebrew National (R-FL) John McCain 2008
Republican National Hispanic Assembly
Team McCain 2008
Michael - John McCain 2008
Surrender Is Not An Option
Blogs For McCain
Peter For John McCain
Texas For John McCain
Team Teen McCain
Steve Poizner
Vote John McCain For 08
Latino Republicans Endorse McCain

John McCain

John McCain

Active Rain
John McCain Group

John McCain 2008

JohnMcCain2008 Social Network
John McCain 2008 McCain Google Groups

McCain Now Network

McCainspace Sign UP
McCain Google Groups McCain Space

John McCain

John McCain

John McCain

Friday, April 11, 2008

Volunteer For McCain Online,McCain Networks,Vets For McCain . . .

McCain Momentum and McCain Online Presence are growing steadily. New Members and New Sites Are Popping Up Left And Right.

If you have not already done so PLEASE visit McCain State Google Groups Find Your State And Sign Up! It is a great way to stay involved on the grass-roots / net-roots level in your state.

Also the new McCain Network on Ning Has literally Tripled Membership Overnight. It is a FANTASTIC place to be involved. Both of these sites and groups are filling up rapidly with some GREAT people and tons of great information.

Vets For McCain is another great site with a Veterans For McCain Roll call . . .sign the roll call and also get a free bumpersticker.


Vets For McCain

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Hampshire Headquarters

The Waumbec Mill
250 Commercial Street
Suite 3007
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: 603-369-4944


Just like the national press called Senator McCain's race over last summer, they are now calling NH blue. Well, the race was surely not over, the voters are supporting our campaign, and you are the leadership that is going to insure a McCain general election victory in NH in November. For many of you who remember the incredibly small margin and the difference that our very few electoral votes in NH made in the 2000 election; we're here again.

We have heard from so many people who have had withdrawals since the January 8th Primary ended, and are ready to get going on the general election. Well, now it’s time to build an even stronger organization than we had for the Primary. Even though NH went for Kerry in 2004, it will be a "battleground" state in 2008 and we need to get organized now to ensure a McCain Victory in November. We need your presence for a general election organization meeting for John's campaign where we can map the course going forward and determine where we need our resources (people, time and money).

Please plan to attend Saturday, April 12th, at 1:00 pm in Manchester at the McCain headquarters. The McCain County Chairs and Coalition Chairs should arrive an hour earlier.

Please bring your own hydration; we will have pizza from Manchester's best on hand.

We look forward to seeing you!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Thank You For Supporting John McCain In 2008!

McCain Google Groups is committed to improving the lives of every citizen of the United States of America. Through outreach and advocacy, we can make a difference! We support John McCain the candidate with a true vision of hope. John McCain has been successful in advocating for improvements in our country so we can build a better world for our children, with your help we can be successful in electing John McCain President of The United States of America.

Our volunteer base is growing daily as citizens have found a voice and renewed sense of hope and seen first hand what real leadership consists of. You too can make a difference. Sign up for your State Group. Volunteer in person. Volunteer online. Contribute. Recruit friends/family or simply add your name to the list of supporters.

  1. How do I get started?
    Please find your state below and join your state group. Then, you may choose from various actions such as help raise money, recruit your friends, and help get others involved in the effort. Stay informed and inform others in your state on how best to help the McCain Grass Roots effort!

  2. Why get involved?
    In order to show John McCain that he has the strong backing of loyal supporters like you, we are asking everyone to join our team and get involved. You are part of that effort. With your support, we are building a strong grassroots campaign.

  3. I'm excited to help! What else can I do?
    Boots On The Ground, Grass roots are the KEY to victory in this election. The most important things you can do are join our team and start telling your friends about and By joining our team and getting involved early you can make a big difference in building a strong team for John McCain.