Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Hampshire Headquarters

The Waumbec Mill
250 Commercial Street
Suite 3007
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: 603-369-4944


Just like the national press called Senator McCain's race over last summer, they are now calling NH blue. Well, the race was surely not over, the voters are supporting our campaign, and you are the leadership that is going to insure a McCain general election victory in NH in November. For many of you who remember the incredibly small margin and the difference that our very few electoral votes in NH made in the 2000 election; we're here again.

We have heard from so many people who have had withdrawals since the January 8th Primary ended, and are ready to get going on the general election. Well, now it’s time to build an even stronger organization than we had for the Primary. Even though NH went for Kerry in 2004, it will be a "battleground" state in 2008 and we need to get organized now to ensure a McCain Victory in November. We need your presence for a general election organization meeting for John's campaign where we can map the course going forward and determine where we need our resources (people, time and money).

Please plan to attend Saturday, April 12th, at 1:00 pm in Manchester at the McCain headquarters. The McCain County Chairs and Coalition Chairs should arrive an hour earlier.

Please bring your own hydration; we will have pizza from Manchester's best on hand.

We look forward to seeing you!

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