Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Obama Supporters Pray for Clinton Support

Original at Click image for a larger screen grab.
The prayer request is for...
From 6/1-8/6 Watching the spectical on Sat. at the rules meeting breaks my heart. We can't wait for HRC to see the light on her own, we need to begin praying for her and her supporters now. Please commit to praying for them daily to 1) stop trying to hurt the Obama's and the Democratic party. 2) Pray God will speak to them all and change their hearts so their only pursuit will be party unity and whole heartedly backing Sen. Obama.

Wow, not too condecending is it? So what should we all be praying for today? World peace? An end to violence against children? Religious harmony? Nope. We' should all get on our knees an pray that Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton supporters see the light (or the one) and stop picking on poor little Barack Obama.

--Don't worry it counts as Community Service.

Obama Website Asks People to Pray for Clinton and Her Supporters

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